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Your benefits

Multimaster capable and flexible
Realization of mixed topologies EtherCAT® with PROFINET IO or EtherNet/IP™ in one device.

Scalable and adept
Available in 1-, 2- or 4-core variants for demanding applications. Head control and motion controller combined in one device.

Windows/high-level language environment and high-performance motion controller in one device (4-core variant). EtherCAT® and PROFINET IO/EtherNet/IP™ sensors in parallel.

Perfectly matched to the extensive portfolio for decentralized as well as control cabinet drive technology. Thus, any individual customer requirements can be implemented.

Control technology Decentralized drive technology Drive technology

Go to control technology

The performance class of a MOVI‑C® CONTROLLER depends on the number of inverters and the number of synchronous axes and auxiliary axes required and to be configured for the movement. The four performance classes "power", "progressive", "advanced" and "standard" are available. All versions have a compact design, meaning they can fit into even small machine control cabinets.

All controllers also benefit from multibus capability. They can work in parallel as an EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS master and also as a PROFINET IO Deviceor EtherNet/IPTM adapter. Modern safety concepts, such as safety via fieldbus, are implemented either via PROFIsafe routing or FSoE safety controllers (such as the SCU safety controller SEW-EURODRIVE SCU safety controller).

NEW: A PROFINET I/O controller or an EtherNet/IPTM scanner functionality is integrated in parallel to the EtherCAT® system bus in the UHX65A-M. Our customers can implement mixed topologies with the new variant: the high-performance EtherCAT® fieldbus for the most demanding motion control tasks and at the same time the PROFINET IO / EtherNet/IPTM fieldbus for reading sensors and controlling other peripheral devices. In this way, every customer gains flexibility and choice of the hardware that can be used for complex applications.

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Parameterizing instead of programming

The MOVI‑C® modular automation system offers a shared platform for control cabinet controllers and decentralized controllers with the same functions and the same variety of interfaces.

The controllers from the MOVI‑C® modular automation system can be used for a wide range of motion control and automation tasks. They are linked to the higher-level controller of a machine cell or system using classic fieldbus slave interfaces for the PROFINET, EtherNet/IPTM or Modbus TCP fieldbus systems. As an EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS master, the controller takes care of smooth communication with the subordinate devices, e.g. MOVIDRIVE® or MOVIGEAR® performance and their synchronous connection to the movement/application.

However, the added value that really counts in terms of reducing complexity comes from the integrated software of the centralized and decentralized controllers – parameterizing rather than programming. This software gives you, as a user, more freedom to customize parameters while reducing your outlay on programming.

Other advantages offered by our control technology include simple, central data storage and an auto-reload function for replacement, all of which help ensure that the automation technology in your production systems maintains a consistently high standard of reliability and availability.

Product Announcement Controller UHX86A - the controller of the future from 2023:

  • Motion Control
  • Automation Control
  • Functional Safety
  • Networking
  • Hypervisor-based architecture

UHX85A controller – power performance class

  • Controller for high-end motion control, robotics and automation tasks such as visualization
  • Possibility of Windows-based applications such as visualizations
  • Hypervisor RTS-based architecture automatically ensures the GPOS operating system does not influence the controller's actual operation
  • Can be connected to all market-standard control systems
  • Simple and centralized data storage
  • Simple exchange function
  • PROFIsafe routing to the axis modules
  • Safety over EtherCAT®
  • Number of axes:
    • Interpolated: up to 32
    • Not interpolated: up to 32

UHX65A-M controller – progressive performance class

  • Controller for complex motion tasks, including multi-axis control and robotics, automation tasks and real-time visualization
  • Suitable for motion control, automation control and/or cyber-physical control tasks
  • General-purpose operating system (GPOS, Windows 10 IoT) and real-time operating system (RTOS) available on a single device (optional)
  • Possibility of Windows-based applications such as visualization with MOVIKIT® Visualization or apps programmed by the customer in higher-level languages
  • Hypervisor RTS-based architecture automatically ensures the GPOS operating system does not influence the controller's actual operation
  • Can be connected to all market-standard control systems
  • Simple and centralized data storage
  • Simple exchange function
  • PROFIsafe routing to the axis modules
  • Safety over EtherCAT®
  • Web visualization
  • Number of axes:
    • Interpolated: up to 16
    • Not interpolated: up to 16

UHX45A controller – advanced performance class

  • Controller for challenging motion tasks such as synchronous axes with electronic gear unit or electronic cam
  • Can be connected to all market-standard control systems
  • Simple and centralized data storage
  • Simple exchange function
  • PROFIsafe routing to the axis modules
  • Safety over EtherCAT®
  • Web visualization
  • Number of axes:
    • Interpolated: up to 8
    • Not interpolated: up to 8

UHX25A controller – standard performance class

  • Controller suitable for simple motion tasks such as positioning or speed mode
  • Can be connected to all market-standard control systems
  • Simple and centralized data storage
  • Simple exchange function
  • PROFIsafe routing to the axis modules
  • Safety over EtherCAT®
  • Web visualization
  • Number of axes:
    • Interpolated: up to 2
    • Not interpolated: up to 8
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Application area according perfomance class

"standard" performance class Motion controller for simple motion tasks such as positioning or speed mode
"advanced" performance class Motion controller for challenging motion tasks such as synchronous axes with electronic gear unit or electronic cam
"progressive" performance class Motion controller for complex motion tasks such as multi-axis control and robotics, plus automation tasks such as visualization
"power" performance class Controller for high-end motion control, robotics and automation tasks such as visualization

Ready for use in your application

Our controllers are perfect for sophisticated machinery. You can see a small sample selection here. In conjunction with our software modules MOVIKIT® the implementation of these machines will be a breeze.

Cup-filling machine

The freely selectable software modules from our MOVI‑C® modular automation system are ideal for modular filling and sealing machine concepts.

The ideal choice: UHX65A controller, progressive power class

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Vertical FFS machine

Ideal for filling bulk materials. Bag size, pack weight and product properties are decisive factors for the automation of machine functions and movements.

The ideal choice: Controller UHX45A, power class standard

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In a toploader multipacker, the time and effort required to process a wide variety of product formats needs to be minimized.

The ideal choice: Controller UHX45A, power class standard or controller 65A, power class progressive

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Nowadays, the palletizing systems required for this equipment need to be increasingly versatile and highly automated. New robot technologies are enhancing or replacing traditional systems.

The ideal choice: UHX65A controller, progressive power class

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