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The benefits for you

Your entry
Easy entry into MOVISUITE® and integrated basic functions.

Reuse of already configured modules and efficient diagnostic tools.

Flexible choice of automation concept and easy configuration and programming.

Predefined, documented and tested software modules.

Control technology Decentralized drive technology Drive technology

MOVIRUN® – the foundation for efficient motion contro

Our MOVIRUN® software platform is available in a variety of designs. MOVIRUN® flexible is the freely programmable and open platform for automation with MOVI‑C® and third-party components. Laying the foundation for interpolated operating modes and sophisticated motion control applications, it also provides a state-of-the art programming system based on IEC 61131-3. Programming takes place using an IEC Editor that is integrated seamlessly into MOVISUITE®.

You can make use of a wide variety of ready-made MOVIKIT® software modules from a modular system that are easy to incorporate into the user program.

The MOVIKIT® software modules can be used in the programming environment. They combine the convenience of graphical configuration and diagnostics with data management incorporating auto-startup for MOVIDRIVE® inverters if a device is being replaced.

Thanks to the interplay of parameterizable software modules MOVIKIT® and MOVIRUN® flexible, you have the choice of either parameterizing or programming your solution, depending on the motion control task and application.

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Properties of the software platform

  • Automation with MOVI‑C® and third-party components
  • Interpolated operating modes for sophisticated motion control applications
  • State-of-the-art programming system to IEC 61131-3
  • Ready-made MOVIKIT® software modules can be integrated into the user program.
  • Choice of either parameterizing or programming
  • Thanks to MOVIRUN®, the MOVI‑C® CONTROLLER and MOVI‑C® FIELD CONTROLLER options can be used both for high-performance motion control tasks and as higher-level controllers for machines and systems.
  • A consistent design enables rapid controller switchover.
  • Multi-core technology is supported from MOVISUITE® V2.10: In the case of MOVI-C® CONTROLLER and MOVI-C® FIELD CONTROLLER with several processor cores, MOVIRUN® provides one core for coordinating communication and at least one devoted entirely to motion control and machine control.

The "MultiMotion" category includes MOVIKIT® software modules to implement universal motion control functions for interpolating axes. Defined interfaces enable you to activate and, for example, overlay motion profiles directly via the fieldbus or by means of a user program in the controller.

The use of the following MOVIKIT® software modules is included in MOVIRUN® without additional licenses:

  • MOVIKIT® MultiMotion – for synchronized movement functions
  • MOVIKIT® MultiMotion auxiliary Velocity – auxiliary axis for simple rotational speed tasks
  • MOVIKIT® MultiMotion auxiliary Positioning – auxiliary axis for simple positioning tasks
  • MOVIKIT® EncoderInterface - for energy supply solutions
  • MOVIKIT® EnergyRecovery - for converting system units into user units
  • MOVIKIT® Positioning - for positioning applications with fixed defined fieldbus interface
  • MOVIKIT® Velocity - for applications with speed specification with fixed fieldbus interface
  • MOVIKIT® PowerAndEnergySolutions DirectMode - programmable energy supply for inverters
MOVIKIT® software modules